Friday, February 28, 2014

DIRECTIONS for first postings

Welcome to your ROCK blog on Into Thin Air
Divide your book into three roughly equal sections.
 Read the first third in one week.
Your first blog post is due Thursday, March 6.
Your first comment is due Tuesday, March 11.
The next two weeks will match this same format.

For your first blog post, after reading the first third of the book, you are undoubtedly curious about the setting, the period, the conflict.  Do some research on something that you have a question about.
In your blog post, describe the following:
1.  What did you read in the book (page #), and what did it make you wonder about?
2.  Cite your source.  This doesn't have to be a formal citation.  You can say something like "according to...."
3.  Paraphrase (don't cut and paste) your research.

For your first comment, read through the blog and find someone else's post that interests you, someone who researched something else you were interested in.  ADD to their research like so:
1.  Tell them what happened in the book that made you wonder about the same topic.
2.  Add further research about that topic.  Cite your source and paraphrase your research.