Wednesday, March 19, 2014

DIRECTIONS for third posting and comment

Third Posting due Thursday, March 20
Third comment due Tuesday, March 25

For this post, write a CCQC that identifies the TONE of the last third of the book.  The claim should include an adjective or two that you think describe the tone, then you need lots of examples/quotes from the book that prove your claim.  Sophs, if you need a refresher on TONE, I have put it up on the Edmodo site.

Then write a paragraph that does one of these things, your choice:
*describes a favorite part of the book
*is a review of the book
*uses some part of the book to comment on an issue that interests you

For the comment, find someone who has a different idea than you do about the tone, or about some other part of the book in their second paragraph.  Add to their evidence, or challenge their idea by countering it with evidence of your own.

1 comment:

  1. The last part of the book - one part of the group was on one side of the mountain and running out of oxygen. Then a storm hit and the person going for oxygen was trapped. Then people were rushing to get down the mountain. Since they barely had oxygen, it caused hypoxia and hallucinations. The tone seems to be dark and desperate. Everyone is struggling to survive. Some people just walked off of a cliff or others just froze to death (Hall). Jon thought he saw Andy walking in camp, but his hallucinations had confused him. "Nobody discussed Fischer's exhausted appearance. It didn't occur to any of us that he might be in trouble." This demonstrates that people didn't take initiative and help others. Even when they noticed, they didn't speak up - maybe they were just so exhausted themselves that helping someone else didn't occur to them.

    I think that the oxygen was pretty interesting because I never knew before that when you have enough oxygen to function you may not have enough oxygen to separate reality from your own hallucinations. It's kind of messed up that the climbers leave the used oxygen tanks all over the mountain because the Sherpas believe that the mountain is a goddess with powers. Certain behaviors on the mountain can cause storms or sickness to others. Sherpas believe that the mountain has power to make things happen. Leaving trash on the mountain is messed up, because it would be like me climbing Mt Tamalpais and leaving trash - this is something you just don't do. I believe in the saying about respecting others and nature as I would myself. Trashing the earth is not respectful or appreciative, given all we take from the earth.
