Thursday, March 13, 2014

Post #2 CCQC on Rob Hall chapter 8-15

Jillian Maher

Rob Hall achieved so much in his life as an individual trekker, and has put his experience into helping people safely reach the dangerous peek known as Mt. Everest. As Hall and his team venture up  the mountain they run into some complications they run into unstable snow blanketing at the end of the summit ridge. As a good leader Rob Hall Makes the right decision to turn back before anyone else gets injured or dies. "Hall decided to abort the summit attempt  and signaled Cottor an Lopsang to turn around. But Lopsang ignored the command, untied from Cottor, and continued ascending the summit alone" (183). All though every trekker is capable of climbing the mountain, they don't have all of the knowledge of a very experienced climber. "If a climber cannot Everest with big help from a guide… This client should not be on Everest"(194). Said one of the guides while in a dispute over leaving or staying at a different summit. Rob clearly knows more about climbing Mt. Everest than Cottor because he has done it multiple times and is much more wise. Hall knows what type of Cottor is, he is very smart, but can sometimes overlook rings and is not able to see the big picture and make reasonable choices. "The sort of individual who is programmed to ignore personal distress and keep pushing for the top is frequently programmed to disregard signs of grave and immanent danger as well… Above 26,000 feet, moreover the line between appropriate zeal reckless summit fever becomes grievously thin. Thus the slopes of Everest are littered with corpses"(186). Cottor was not in his right state of mind and clearly did not know what he was thinking when he decided to leave the group and go of on his own. It's not all his fault, being at that high elevation can affect the brain due to lack of oxygen ergo you don't think clearly and can make choices you never would of chosen in your right state of mind. If I was a client and climbing Mt.Everest I would definitely listen to my guide when he tells me to turn back. Going to the top of a mountain is not worth losing your life. There's always another chance to go back and climb the mountain, but if you don't listen to the others with more climbing knowledge you will likely die. People like Rob Hall started as a beginner at one point too, and he listened and followed the rules which made him the amazing, strong, and skilled climber he is today.

1 comment:

  1. I too believe that. Rob Hall is a great leader. A lot of this strength comes from his past experiences (reaching the top of Everest several times), but also in general, Rob has all the characteristics to a good leader. Rob hall has to guide a group of climbers (some experirienced, some not) to the summit of the tallest mountain in the world and although Rob has been faced with few struggles, he is yet to fail the task he has been given.
    Being a leader for an excursion like this would not be easy. It would be extremely difficult to keep your group happy and healthy throughout the entire trip, but Rob has managed to keep his group "mostly" healthy. Now all he has to do is get them home safely.
